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Primăria si Consiliul Local Târgu Cărbunesti © 2011. All Rights Reserved.
Public Social Service
IN THE TG-Carbunesti City Hall
In this office the following activities:
- Identifying and solving social problems of community child protection, family, single persons, elderly, disabled and any person in need;
- Ensuring a minimum income for people unable to independently ensure financial needs, within the limits of Law 416 / 2001 and its Implementing Rules as amended and supplemented;
- Home heating aid under Ordinance no. 107 / 2006;
- Emergency aid;
- Allowance for newborn children;
- Keeping records in order to give state allowance for children up to 18 years, as provided by Law 61/1993 on state allowance for children republished and amended;
- Keeping records in order to give financial support to low-income families by providing complementary and single-parent family allowance under the GEO 105 / 2003
- Keeping records in order to grant indemnity under GEO 148 / 2005 on family support to increase the child;
- Social assistance for the elderly according to Law 17/2000;
- Prepare files for the employment of personal assistants to disabled persons under Law 448 / 2006 approving Government Emergency Ordinance no. 102 / 1999 on special protection and employment of persons with disabilities;

COMPONENT sections:
Senior adviser Stoican  Angela
Senior adviser Golumbu Maria
Ref. Sup. Sain Simona

- Informing beneficiaries about the eligibility requirements imposed, and preparation of documents necessary for the MIG files, folders and single parent allowance complementary;
- Receiving, verifying, recording the minimum guaranteed income files, folders and complementary support allowance for single parent families;
- Receiving, preparing files for allowances birth records on OU 148 / 2005 on family support to increase child
- Regular checks to establish or maintain the conditions for granting social assistance in accordance with Law 416 / 2001 on minimum wage, social investigation, confirmed by the CEA of 3 in 3 months, end of identity;
- Preparing monthly performance of this on by persons able to work hours to benefit local interest;
- Preparation of monthly provisions - the granting, variation, suspension and termination were guaranteed minimum income,
- Based on the calculation sheets shall be prepared monthly payroll for social assistance;
- Monitoring and checking daily activity able-bodied people receiving social assistance;
- Checking and preparing the documents necessary to file guardianship;
- Social investigations for granting relief,
- Preparation of social inquiry for major and minor disability to commission expertise and ISTPEH Gorj
- Preparing monthly statistical report for the guaranteed minimum income beneficiaries;
- Submitting monthly summary statements, demanding half to all units;
- Drawing up records of personal assistants;
- Drafting the provisions of employment of personal assistants, and the expiry of the certificate of admission to degree of disability termination mood preparation work
- Operation of personal assistants work books;
- Maintaining communication links with ISTPH GORJ and monthly statements on personal assistants;
- Drafting employment contracts and following its signing personal assistants and the job description by the employee and employer;
- Communication in writing a copy of the employment contract of personal assistant to ISTPH Gorj;
- Providing partial care for the elderly;
- Directing the hospital units for patients diagnosed with worse health status;
- Movement in areas where the elderly and making drug treatment at the doctor's patient's home;
- Receipt and distribution of milk powder for children aged up to one year;
- Receipt of correspondence and resolve it according to the law and terms established by law;
- Elaboration of social surveys on demand for police, courts, schools, other cases;
- Archiving of documents that you handle in the compartment according to current regulations;
- Drawing up a list of welfare recipients who use home heating wood, coal, fuel oil, based on documentation submitted to establish social support;
- Received, checked, calculated and given provisions for providing central heating with wood and gas
Ultima actualizare 07.02.2025